Financial Help for Veterans
( Know others that should be on the list – Contact Us with the link )
American Legion -
American Military Family -
American Red Cross –
American Solider Foundation -
Disabled American Veterans -
Home Fires Burning* - Homes Fires Burning (
Home Front Cares -
Impact a Hero -
Mercy for Me -
Military One Source –
National Association of American Veterans -
National Resource Directory -
Operation Second Chance -
Reserve Aid -
Salute Heroes for Wounded Warriors -
United Way -
United Way 211 -
(VFW) Unmet Needs** -
USA Cares -
US Soldiers Foundation -
VFW Family Assistance and Unmet Needs** -
Wounded Warrior Project -
Contact your VA social worker for local resources. Also, search for
"emergency financial assistance for veterans" and include your state.
* Home Fire Burning was extremely quick (48hrs) with follow up, plus they came through.
** Restricted to discharges less than 36 months.
Financial Assistance
The Armed Forces Foundation – Armed Forces Foundation is a nonprofit
organization that started in 2010 and is dedicated to providing comfort and solace to members of the military
community through financial support, career counseling, housing assistance and recreational therapy programs. We offer
these vital programs to active-duty and retired personnel, National Guard, Reserve components, and their loved ones. This
website is full of wonderful assistance options for vets/families along with applications for assistance that are only 4 pages
long! Go to AFF Programs to get more specific information.
Army Home Front - The Army Homefront Fund provides emergency
financial and other support to the families of soldiers, with a focus on wounded warrior care and transition assistance.
Financial Planning Guide – This planning guide
has been developed by a mortgage company but does not appear to solicit information. It has some good
information that may be helpful to veterans and families. It may be one source that may offer helpful ideas.
Folds of Honor - FHF’s unique post-secondary educational scholarships can be applied
to schooling now or held by the Foundation on behalf of young children until needed at the time of enrollment.
Scholarships for children of veteransare to be used to subsidize the costs of tuition, school books, fees, room and board,
special tools and equipment necessary for coursework, school-approved tutoring, and any other expense that the school in
which the student is enrolled may deem appropriate and unmet.
Hope for the Warriors – The mission of Hope For The Warriors® is to
enhance quality of life for U.S. service members and their families nationwide who have been adversely affected by
injuries or death in the line of duty. Hope For The Warriors® actively seeks to ensure that the sacrifices of wounded and
fallen warriors and their families are never forgotten nor their needs unmet. Includes assistance for “immediate needs”,
“family assistance”, “warriors wish”, etc.
Military Scholarships – The Scholarships for Military Children Program is primarily
funded through the generosity of manufacturers and suppliers whose products are sold at military commissaries,
worldwide. Go to “scholarships” and the right menu will provide qualifications and directions to apply.
NEW! Modest Needs Organization – To responsibly provide short-term financial
assistance to individuals and families in temporary crisis who, because they are working and live just above the poverty
level, are ineligible for most types of conventional social assistance but who (like many of us) are living one or two lost
paychecks away from the kind of financial catastrophe that eventually leads to homelessness. Users must create a log in,
have documentation and create an application on line. Total time may take from 30 -45 minutes. You will be applying for
the Homecoming Heroes Grant.
Operation Family Fund – Financial grants for each eligible member or
members family to meet personal, short and long term living needs in these areas; Food, rent or utilities, emergency
transportation and vehicle repair, funeral expenses, legal expenses, medical/dental expenses, assistance with a home,
rental, lease, purchase or home improvements, assistance with the purchase, rent or lease of a vehicle. The Board of
Directors has final approval of all funds allocation and selection of money managers. Click on “How to apply for
Operation First Response –
For many veterans and families, the financial hardship begins quickly and for others it is after the domino effect of extra
costs and lost wages. At whatever stage they are in when they contact OFR they are committed to doing all we can to
support these families. Application is on line.
Operation Home Front – This organization assists immediate family members
of those who are wounded, ill, injured or deployed. Criteria is listed under each type of assistance that may be provided
and will guide you to your local chapter. Click on “Get Assistance” and it will ask for your zip code and have an application
to download.
Office of Service Members Affairs – Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – The central mission of the CFPB is to make consumer financial
products, services and markets work for all Americans. Within the CFPB, the OSA serves specifically to protect service
members, military families and veterans from financial harm, while also working to make the military community better
educated consumers.
Rebuild Hope – Rebuild Hope offers an immediate and easy away to help these
OEF/OIF families. Our one-of-a-kind, national network “connects” donors to beneficiaries, and we provide complementary
services that increase the veteran’s odds of success. Rebuild Hope also recognizes their personal sacrifices and efforts to
rebuild their lives by sharing their personal stories.
Financial Assistance
Red Cross – Collaborates with military aid societies in providing financial assistance when an
urgent personal or family crisis arises-emergency travel, burial of a loved one or urgent health and welfare such as food
and shelter. 1-877-272-7337 or website.
NEW! Salute Heroes - Since 2004, the Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes has
provided disabled American veterans from Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom with millions of dollars worth
of Emergency Financial Aid and support services. Application and eligibility requirements are on line.
NEW! Salute Inc. – The eligibility for the Emergency Financial Assistance Program has
been temporarily redefined and will require the applicant to be currently service connected or involved in the process of an
evaluation for service connection. Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Only. Click on “programs”
for an on-line application. **Eligibility requirements : OIF / OEF Must provide Military points of contact and have written
consent given to VA case manager allowing us permission to discuss your case. Due to the current caseload of veterans
needing assistance, Please allow 2-3 weeks.
Semper Fi Fund - The Semper Fi Fund (SFF) provides relief for financial needs that
arise during hospitalization and recovery as well as assistance for those with perpetuating needs. Our program provides
support in a variety of ways including: Service Member and Family Support, Specialized & Adaptive Equipment, Adaptive
Housing, Adaptive Transportation, Education and Career Transition Assistance, Therapeutic Arts and Team Semper
Fi. Needed resources are directed to post 9-11 Marines and Sailors, as well as members of the Army, Air Force or Coast
Guard who serve in support of Marine forces.
USA Cares – USA Cares provides financial and advocacy assistance to post 9/11 active duty
US military service personnel, veterans and their families. We assist all branches of service, all ranks and components and
treat all with privacy and dignity in appreciation for their service and sacrifice. We never charge fees nor accept
repayment and rely on donations from private citizens, businesses and foundations for all funding.
( Know others that should be on the list – Contact Us with the link )
American Legion -
American Military Family -
American Red Cross –
American Solider Foundation -
Disabled American Veterans -
Home Fires Burning* - Homes Fires Burning (
Home Front Cares -
Impact a Hero -
Mercy for Me -
Military One Source –
National Association of American Veterans -
National Resource Directory -
Operation Second Chance -
Reserve Aid -
Salute Heroes for Wounded Warriors -
United Way -
United Way 211 -
(VFW) Unmet Needs** -
USA Cares -
US Soldiers Foundation -
VFW Family Assistance and Unmet Needs** -
Wounded Warrior Project -
Contact your VA social worker for local resources. Also, search for
"emergency financial assistance for veterans" and include your state.
* Home Fire Burning was extremely quick (48hrs) with follow up, plus they came through.
** Restricted to discharges less than 36 months.
Financial Assistance
The Armed Forces Foundation – Armed Forces Foundation is a nonprofit
organization that started in 2010 and is dedicated to providing comfort and solace to members of the military
community through financial support, career counseling, housing assistance and recreational therapy programs. We offer
these vital programs to active-duty and retired personnel, National Guard, Reserve components, and their loved ones. This
website is full of wonderful assistance options for vets/families along with applications for assistance that are only 4 pages
long! Go to AFF Programs to get more specific information.
Army Home Front - The Army Homefront Fund provides emergency
financial and other support to the families of soldiers, with a focus on wounded warrior care and transition assistance.
Financial Planning Guide – This planning guide
has been developed by a mortgage company but does not appear to solicit information. It has some good
information that may be helpful to veterans and families. It may be one source that may offer helpful ideas.
Folds of Honor - FHF’s unique post-secondary educational scholarships can be applied
to schooling now or held by the Foundation on behalf of young children until needed at the time of enrollment.
Scholarships for children of veteransare to be used to subsidize the costs of tuition, school books, fees, room and board,
special tools and equipment necessary for coursework, school-approved tutoring, and any other expense that the school in
which the student is enrolled may deem appropriate and unmet.
Hope for the Warriors – The mission of Hope For The Warriors® is to
enhance quality of life for U.S. service members and their families nationwide who have been adversely affected by
injuries or death in the line of duty. Hope For The Warriors® actively seeks to ensure that the sacrifices of wounded and
fallen warriors and their families are never forgotten nor their needs unmet. Includes assistance for “immediate needs”,
“family assistance”, “warriors wish”, etc.
Military Scholarships – The Scholarships for Military Children Program is primarily
funded through the generosity of manufacturers and suppliers whose products are sold at military commissaries,
worldwide. Go to “scholarships” and the right menu will provide qualifications and directions to apply.
NEW! Modest Needs Organization – To responsibly provide short-term financial
assistance to individuals and families in temporary crisis who, because they are working and live just above the poverty
level, are ineligible for most types of conventional social assistance but who (like many of us) are living one or two lost
paychecks away from the kind of financial catastrophe that eventually leads to homelessness. Users must create a log in,
have documentation and create an application on line. Total time may take from 30 -45 minutes. You will be applying for
the Homecoming Heroes Grant.
Operation Family Fund – Financial grants for each eligible member or
members family to meet personal, short and long term living needs in these areas; Food, rent or utilities, emergency
transportation and vehicle repair, funeral expenses, legal expenses, medical/dental expenses, assistance with a home,
rental, lease, purchase or home improvements, assistance with the purchase, rent or lease of a vehicle. The Board of
Directors has final approval of all funds allocation and selection of money managers. Click on “How to apply for
Operation First Response –
For many veterans and families, the financial hardship begins quickly and for others it is after the domino effect of extra
costs and lost wages. At whatever stage they are in when they contact OFR they are committed to doing all we can to
support these families. Application is on line.
Operation Home Front – This organization assists immediate family members
of those who are wounded, ill, injured or deployed. Criteria is listed under each type of assistance that may be provided
and will guide you to your local chapter. Click on “Get Assistance” and it will ask for your zip code and have an application
to download.
Office of Service Members Affairs – Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – The central mission of the CFPB is to make consumer financial
products, services and markets work for all Americans. Within the CFPB, the OSA serves specifically to protect service
members, military families and veterans from financial harm, while also working to make the military community better
educated consumers.
Rebuild Hope – Rebuild Hope offers an immediate and easy away to help these
OEF/OIF families. Our one-of-a-kind, national network “connects” donors to beneficiaries, and we provide complementary
services that increase the veteran’s odds of success. Rebuild Hope also recognizes their personal sacrifices and efforts to
rebuild their lives by sharing their personal stories.
Financial Assistance
Red Cross – Collaborates with military aid societies in providing financial assistance when an
urgent personal or family crisis arises-emergency travel, burial of a loved one or urgent health and welfare such as food
and shelter. 1-877-272-7337 or website.
NEW! Salute Heroes - Since 2004, the Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes has
provided disabled American veterans from Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom with millions of dollars worth
of Emergency Financial Aid and support services. Application and eligibility requirements are on line.
NEW! Salute Inc. – The eligibility for the Emergency Financial Assistance Program has
been temporarily redefined and will require the applicant to be currently service connected or involved in the process of an
evaluation for service connection. Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Only. Click on “programs”
for an on-line application. **Eligibility requirements : OIF / OEF Must provide Military points of contact and have written
consent given to VA case manager allowing us permission to discuss your case. Due to the current caseload of veterans
needing assistance, Please allow 2-3 weeks.
Semper Fi Fund - The Semper Fi Fund (SFF) provides relief for financial needs that
arise during hospitalization and recovery as well as assistance for those with perpetuating needs. Our program provides
support in a variety of ways including: Service Member and Family Support, Specialized & Adaptive Equipment, Adaptive
Housing, Adaptive Transportation, Education and Career Transition Assistance, Therapeutic Arts and Team Semper
Fi. Needed resources are directed to post 9-11 Marines and Sailors, as well as members of the Army, Air Force or Coast
Guard who serve in support of Marine forces.
USA Cares – USA Cares provides financial and advocacy assistance to post 9/11 active duty
US military service personnel, veterans and their families. We assist all branches of service, all ranks and components and
treat all with privacy and dignity in appreciation for their service and sacrifice. We never charge fees nor accept
repayment and rely on donations from private citizens, businesses and foundations for all funding.